
The Planet and Your Health

These days, more and more people are concerned about the impact of their food choices and eating habits on the environment. Unsustainable farming practices, overconsumption and unnecessary waste are taking a toll on our available resources. So it’s only natural to consider where you can make changes in your daily routine to continue to meet your needs without having to drastically alter your lifestyle.

Bearing this in mind, here are a few simple things you can do every day to make a difference.

Eat fewer animal products and more plant-based foods

Even if you don’t go full vegetarian, you can decrease your intake of animal proteins and seek out alternative sources from the plant world. Pulse crops such as beans and lentils generate less pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, making for a much smaller carbon footprint.

Buy local

Try to purchase and consume as much locally sourced food as you can, be it produce or meat. Eating local is good for the environment in that less energy goes into getting food from the farm to your table. It’s also better for the local economy and for your palate!

Opt for organic when possible

Organic farming has many benefits in terms of soil conservation, environmental stewardship and human health. There has been a considerable surge in interest in organic production methods in recent years. Data from the European Union, where there has been a marked increase in this type of agriculture, points to a wide range of positive outcomes for individual health and overall biodiversity.* Note that, at ACTUMUS, we make it a point to use ingredients that are grown organically and/or in the wild in products like REGENERATION and ALKA-FORCE, for a healthier planet as well as a healthier you.

Eat more seasonal fruits and vegetables

Planning your menus around what’s fresh and in season is a great way to support the local economy and embrace a more sustainable approach to eating. It’s kinder both on the planet and on your pocketbook and your tastebuds will thank you for it!

Reduce food packaging and avoidable waste

You can also do your part for a greener environment by making choices that require less overall packaging. Start by bringing reusable bags with you to the market or grocery store, and buy products in larger quantities or in bulk when you can. To reduce household food waste, try planning out your weekly menus and shop accordingly. And be sure to watch for creative solutions like the FoodHero app, which helps keep good food from being thrown out and saves you money at the same time.

Cut back on processed food and sugary drinks

Look for whole foods that are as minimally processed as possible. This will help you avoid consuming products that are high in sugar, salt and fat but low in beneficial nutrients. Not only that, but you will be helping to reduce overpackaging and save drinking water and other precious natural resources.

In April, spring into healthier living with ACTUMUS. For every product sold, we will
donate $1 to Arbre-Évolution ( to give back to Mother Earth.


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